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Customer Profiling

Learn what your customers want and need and form deeper, longer-lasting connections.

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Customer profiling is the foundation of authentic and meaningful communications.

The purpose of your brand, the offers in your lead generation, the journey through your website, the content you nurture prospects and customers with – they all require a deep, holistic understanding of what makes your customers tick.

With the right customer insight and comprehensive profiling, you can connect with the motivations, desires, preferences, behaviours, needs and goals of your audience. This research will ensure your content and marketing activity targets the right people, with the right messages, for maximum conversions.

Our customer profiling services:

  • Analysing buying behavioural patterns in your CRM, marketing automation and digital analytics
  • Interviews with channel partners
  • Internal interviews with your sales and customer service teams
  • Interviews with your customers
  • Qualitative and quantitative research using cost-effective online recruitment and research tools
  • Artificial intelligence profiling tools
  • Desk research to profile executives in target and key accounts
  • Desk research into sector and macro trends
  • Creating buyer personas from the research data
  • Creating buyer journey maps
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